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Looking for awesome college roommate quotes?

I’ve got you.

I lived through so many roommates back in college. Did you know that one in three people have issues with their college roommates? Roommates can be some of the best or worst people you’ll ever meet in your life.

Regardless of the type you’ve got, there’s something here for you.


Let’s do it.

College roommate quotes for besties ❤️

Roommates as best friends could make college so much fun.
Roommates as best friends could make college so much fun.

  1. “My roommates and I will be the old ladies causing trouble in the nursing home.”
  1. “An OG roommate is someone who never gets tired of listening to my pointless dramas over and over again.”
  1. “No matter how serious life gets, try to have that one roommate you can be completely stupid with. But not for long.”
  1. “A bestie roommate is like therapy on stand by. Don’t abuse it.”
  1. “A good roommate will tell you when you’re wrong; the best roommate will help you come up with an excuse.”
  1. “Having a best roommate is like having your own little corner of the world where you can come back home.”
  1. “A true roomie is someone shocked at your past, avoids your present, and ditches your future.”
  1. “Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.” - C.S. Lewis
  1. “Happiness is a roommate who understands your mood and stays outta your way.”
  1. “Up on the College survival list is knowing when to love your roommate and when to tune them out.”
  1. “You can’t choose your family, but you can choose your college roommate.”
  1. “Friends come and go, but the same roommate is forever.”
  1. “Best part of having a roommate is always having someone to be annoyed at.”
  1. “A good roommate is like a four-leaf clover; hard to find and lucky to have.”
  1. “Having an awesome roommate is like having an adventure buddy for life.”
  1. “It’s not always easy being a roommate, but the experience could be worth it in the end.”
  1. “A college roommate is someone you can never depend on, whether you’re fighting or making up.”
  1. “A wise college roommate is someone who understands that life is too short to spend it arguing.”
  1. “Having the same roommate is like having a best friend for the duration of your education.”
  1. “It takes two roomies to argue, and one to listen.”
  1. “If you get along great with your current roommates, don’t worry! You’ll pick up the slack when it comes to finding a new one.”.
  1. “Roommates-turn-friends are the family you choose for yourself.”
  1. “My roommates are like my family–we may not always get along, but in the end we try to be there for each other no matter what.”
  1. “A bestie roommate is a best friend that won’t talk back when you’re having a bad day.”
  1. “I don’t even remember why we got into this argument in the first place… but I still think I’m right.”
  1. “Some days my room is a second home… and my roommates my second family.”
  1. “A close roommate knows all your stories, a bestie roommate helps you create them.”
  1. “The most important thing is to give out love and let it come in even if your roommate sucks.”
  1. “Life’s too short to worry about what your roommate think. Just be yourself and be happy.”
  1. “The best way to spread cheer is singing loud for your roomies to hear.”
  1. “Great roommates are like stars. You don’t always see them, but you know they’re always there.”
  1. “Wherever you go, no matter the weather, always bring back your own sunshine.”
  1. “You’re my favorite roommate ever, even though you’re a pain in the butt.”

College roommate quotes for roommates that act sketchy 👀

When your roommate is up to no good and you know it.
When your roommate is up to no good and you know it.

  1. “A sketchy roommate is someone who accepts you for what you have. Not who you are.”
  1. “A sketchy roommate disrespects your space but is the first to freak out about privacy.”
  1. “The greatest gift of a roommate is to be able to talk into them doing something weird.”
  1. “Strong roommate bond is all about having the same interests and ignoring differences.”
  1. “A good roommate knows how to give feedback without being able to take it.”
  1. “True college living comes when two roommates refuse to agree to disagree.”
  1. “I’m not a morning person, but I’m an annoying roommate 24/7.”
  1. “I need to find a way to make money without getting a job.”
  1. “If I can’t find a way to pay for tuition, I’ll just become a stripper.”
  1. “I don’t want to do my homework, I want to watch Netflix.”
  1. “Why go out when we can just pregame in our dorm room.”
  1. “I think I can fit one more person in my bed…or two if they cuddle.”
  1. “I don’t understand why you need to shower so often.”
  1. “You’re never around to clean, so why should I bother.”
  1. “Let’s just skip classes today and go out for drinks instead.”
  1. “What do you mean you can’t afford the rent this month.”
  1. “I’m planning to invite a bunch of people over without asking you first.”
  1. “My friends are allowed to stay overnight, but not yours.”
  1. “I don’t do dishes, I do takeout.”
  1. “Why clean when you can nap?”

Your roommate could make you feel sad and lonely in college because of their personality but don’t hold take it too hard. It’s a phase that will pass.

College roommate quotes that capture annoying moments 🤬

So annoyed can't stand them.
So annoyed can't stand them.

  1. “It’s my turn to choose the movie tonight.”
  1. “I’m not doing the dishes.”
  1. “I don’t know why you have to be so loud.”
  1. “There’s no way I’m cleaning up after your mess.”
  1. “It’s too cold in here—turn down the AC.”
  1. “Can you turn down your music.”
  1. “Do you really need to eat that.”
  1. “Do you really need another snack.”
  1. 10.”Why do you have to stay up so late.”
  1. 11.”Didn’t I tell you not to…”
  1. “My roommate snores so loud that I can’t hear myself think.”
  1. “My roommate is so messy that I never know what I’m going to find when I come back from class.”
  1. “My roommate’s idea of cleaning is moving the mess from one side of the room to the other.”
  1. “My roommate gets mad at me for no reason. It’s like living with a moody teenager. Oh never mind.”
  1. “My roommate always takes my food without asking and then acts like it was meant for him all along.”
  1. “My roommate gets mad at me for no reason. I just get mad at her right back.
  1. “My roommate’s been cooking in our dorm room again and now it smells like a pizza factory exploded.”

College roommate quotes when things are just not working 😢

Whatever you try just can't land well.
Whatever you try just can't land well.

  1. “Bad roommates are easy to find, hard to leave, and impossible to forget.”
  1. “It’s hard to be in a room with someone who you used to be so close to, but now it feels like a stranger.”
  1. “Living with someone can be difficult, especially when they don’t have the same interests as you do.”
  1. “Having a roommate who doesn’t respect your boundaries can be one of the most draining experiences.”
  1. “Having roommates that don’t clean up after themselves can make you feel like you are close to being homeless.”
  1. “Living with someone that you don’t really get along makes going home every night really hard.”
  1. “Everyone has their own way of doing things and sometimes it can be hard to adjust to that.”
  1. “Having roommates is a great way to learn different cultures until you realize some things are just bad habits not culture.”

College roommate quotes for short & sweet captions 👌

Go for the perfect caption.
Go for the perfect caption.

  1. “Best College Roommate Ever”
  1. “The Adventures of My College Roommate and I.”
  1. “Living It Up with My Amazing College Roommate”
  1. “Living and Laughing with My College Roommate”
  1. “College Roommates for Life.”
  1. “The Relationship of a Lifetime with my College Roommate”
  1. “My College Roommate is 1-inna-million”
  1. “My College Roommate is the Best Friend I Could Ask For”
  1. “College Roommates are the Best Things Ever.”
  1. “Life couldn’t be better with my amazing College Roommate by my side.”
  1. “Roomie, we Best Friends Forever.”
  1. “College Roommates - Best Things to Happen to Us.”
  1. “College life with my roommate is a blast.”
  1. “Chatty for life – We never run out of things to talk.”
  1. ”Best friends for life! My College Roommate and I are inseparable.”
  1. “Bringing the Party Everywhere I Go.”
  1. “The Party Master.”
  1. “Making Memories with My Roomies.”
  1. “Living Life to the Fullest with My Roommates.”
  1. “Making Every Moment Count with My Roomies.”
  1. “Having a Ball with My Roommates.”
  1. “We Are the Good Times.”.

College roommate quotes for the seriously lazy ones 🥱

Every moment is “not-now-later”.
Every moment is “not-now-later”.

  1. “I’m too lazy to do chores.”
  1. “My bed is my best friend.”
  1. “Netflix and chill? Actually, just Netflix.”
  1. “No motivation? No problem.”
  1. “I’ll sleep when I’m dead.”
  1. “I’m too lazy to leave the house.”
  1. “College is so easy because I have you as my roommate.”
  1. “I can’t live without my Netflix and my bed.”
  1. “I don’t have to wake up early for classes anymore because I have you as my roommate.”
  1. “Thank God for Netflix and sleepovers.”
  1. “College is so much easier when I don’t have to study with you.”
  1. “The only thing better than not having to study is not having to study with you.”
  1. “I’m sorry I’m such a pain in the ass, but at least I have you as a roommate.”
  1. “I wish I was more motivated, but being roommates with you makes it all worth it.”
  1. “Living together sucks, but having you as a roommate is worth it.”
  1. ”What’s college without some good old-fashioned sleepovers.”
  1. ”It’s so nice living together without any drama! Thank goodness for our wonderful roommates.”

If your roommate’s laziness is getting to you then you should check out how to stop procrastinating in college and learn solid time management tips.

College roommate quotes when they’re attractive, smart & funny 💯

Can't help but crush hard on people that seem perfect.
Can't help but crush hard on people that seem perfect.

  1. “My roommate always knows the answer.”
  1. “My roommate. A genius.”
  1. “My roommate – smartest person I know.”
  1. “Living with my roommates has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. They’re truly amazing individuals and I wouldn’t trade them for anything.”
  1. “Having roommates has been one of the best things about college. I’m so lucky to have such smart, funny, and caring people by my side.”
  1. “Living with roommates is one of the best things about college. We’re always therefor each other and we make each other laugh and be happy.”
  1. “My roommate is so funny, I don’t know how I ever got along without them.”
  1. “Living with my roommate is like having a 24/7 comedy show.”
  1. “My roommate is the one person I know who can always make me smile.”
  1. “My roommate’s sense of humor is unparalleled.”
  1. “Lucky to have a roommate who can always put a smile on my face.”
  1. “Never bored when my roommate is around - they always have something funny to say.”
  1. “It’s impossible to be mad at my roommate when they’re around - they’re just so funny.”
  1. “My roommate is a hottie and I’m so lucky.”
  1. “Blessed to have a hottie as my roommate.”
  1. “Holy mo, my roommate’s smoking hot.”
  1. “I love how gorgeous my roommate is.”
  1. “I can’t believe I get to live with someone so fine.”


If you have a good roommate, hold on to them and enjoy the moment.

Even though they may have been a pain in the ass from time to time, those memories of living together are priceless. So don’t let conflicts get in the way of making new moments!

But if you’ve got a horror-story roommate, make plans to get out ASAP.

Life’s too short to be stuck with horrible people.

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