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Bn2Lab - Teaching the missing life lessons.

Bn2Lab is focused on 2 groups of people:

  1. Students still in college.
  2. Fresh grads less than 2 years out of college.


Because it’s an incredibly challenging time of your life.

You’re still discovering yourself and how to make sense of the world.

Sure, life’s still challenging beyond 2 years out of college, but holy cow, the periods in college and immediately right after are hella confusing.

I’ve been there.

And I get it.

Now you get to have what I sooooo wish I had back then!

So, which are you?

Choose your path to get advice specific to you.


Leggo 🚀.

📚I’m still in College <> 🎓I already graduated.

PS: You can also get dating tips for men whether you’re in college or graduated.