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Lots of times, men do things that immediately ruin their chances with women.

Not gonna lie, I’ve had my fair share of mistakes over the years.

Like being too “brotherly” and getting friend-zoned, not being clear about my intentions, getting overly fixated on one person very early, and lots more.

The truth?

You can’t possibly please all women.

And that should never be your goal.

But it’s important to be aware of when you’re actually sabotaging yourself while dating.

So let’s focus on one of the major ones that men tend to unintentionally mess up.

Imagine seeing a woman that’s banging 😍.

Like she’s definitely your type.

And you just can’t help yourself but stare endlessly at her. She looks at you and then looks away. But your eyes are glued. Your thirst is so real and no amount of water can quench it.

The thirst is so real.

Time for game plan?

Hell yes!

Your game plan is to walk up to her, tell her she hella fine, then ask for her number. You hope she just says yes. If she does, you’ll die of happiness. Alright, you’re on. You walk up quickly to her and before you say something, she walks away. Like super fast.

You haven’t even started and the game’s already done.

The hell?

You conclude one thing: women suck.

Many times guys think it’s because she’s not into you. That there’s something more. But when you look deeper, you see multiple red flags from the dude’s end.

It’s your approach no 1. Yet, you’ve asked for where she lives. And works. And hangs out.

The problem?

You’re coming off wayyy too strong, my man. And beginning to create some safety concerns.

Wait, what?!

Rule no 1: always give safety vibes.

Yep, sometimes we men mistakenly give what comes off as creepy or stalker vibes when we get too excited about women.

It’s the little things:

1/ You’re staring endlessly at her (feels like you’re a stalker following her every move. Instead look a little at her then look away.)

2/ You approach her suddenly or walk too fast towards her. (feels like you’re about to grab her. Approach her slowly and from the front so she can see you coming).

3/ You ask super personal questions when you talk to her (e.g. where do you live? Are you here with somebody else?) (feels like you’re gonna kidnap her and no one’s there to help. Ask more innocent questions like whether she recommends the food she’s eating, what brand is her hand bag, etc).

Look, the world is dangerous. And women are constantly watching for their safety.

The last thing they want is fear for their lives instead of having a good time on a date.

The solution?

Check yourself. Like really check yourself.

Don’t be quick to ask overly personal and detailed info. It’ll set off creep concerns immediately. Whatever you do, your first set of dates are all about passing the safety test.

So make her feel safe.

And watch her tell you how much she wants the company again.

Why does this even matter?

Look, the world is dangerous. Men do terrible things to woman all the time. And women are constantly watching out for their safety.

The last thing they want is fear for their lives. Even if you’re the most handsome guy, a woman will likely end the conversation fast if she fears for her life.

The solution?

Always make her feel safe.

Because if you don’t, whatever chance you think you had before will be completely done.

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