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Bn2Lab - Teaching the missing life lessons.

I hate Mondays.

Sunday night past 10pm and can’t help but see what’s coming.

Wake up sleepy-eyed, drag myself out of bed with my knees and chest making popping sounds.

Old age.

Shower, play “have a great day” on Spotify to elevate my mood. Because I want to be happy.

Then 30 mins later after eat cheerios for breakfast, run out of my apartment with my backpack to get to work on time.

My frustration is not really with Mondays alone. But with the fact that this dreadful feeling kicking off on Sunday repeats every week.

Every single week.

Friday rolls around, I look at the clock as it gets close to 5pm and can’t wait.

It’s like that feeling back in college when you have an annoying homework due date at midnight. And you haven’t started.

But then, something comes over the professor and they push the due date.

“oh shoot, you’re the best thing ever. I love you so much.“

Then one week later and the homework’s really due.

And somehow you rush, get it done, and almost immediately another assignment is posted.

When your professors are having too much fun.
When your professors are having too much fun.

That’s Monday.

It just never ends.

Then the questions start:

  • Is it me?

  • Is it my workplace?

  • Is it all of life?

I dunno but I think it’s all of life. There’s something fundamentally effed up that we humans have to be subjected to work.

Like all of our existence–from when you born to this very moment–culminated in working for a business to generate money so people can buy more crap.

More crap that they want; not need. Like the latest iPhone.

It’s messed up.

But does the feeling matter?


I still have to go in on Monday anyways–whether I feel fantastic or not doesn’t matter. Paying my rent matters.

Maybe someday I’ll be so freaking passionate about that I don’t worry about Mondays ever.

Yeah, right!

I think passion is overrated. Actually, I think it’s usually a camouflage and escape from reality on what your mind is deep down pointing to:

Life really should be greater than just going to work. As a race, it doesn’t make sense that most of our lives focus on work-till-you can’t-then die mantra.

It feels like there really should be something more.

Is there?

I guess we’re all still figuring this shit out. So be kind to yourself.

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📚I’m still in College <> 🎓I already graduated.