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Best college advice on the internet.

I’ve been compiling some of the best life and college tips for students from all kinds of resources online.

My goal is to continue to add to them and make this the number one collection of the best advice for students on the internet.


Let’s do it.

Advice - learn to say no.

Say no.

Some people will try to take advantage of you. Look closer and you’ll find a few in your so-called friend circle.

A major that you started with may end up as something you don’t want to continue. Say no.

You’ll feel social pressure to do things you know deep down you don’t want to. Say no.

Say no and free yourself. Even if it feels hard, practice saying no in a few areas until you’re rock solid. This is a skill that will take you far after you graduate.

Tip - work on your note taking skills.

The better your note taking, the easier your life.
The better your note taking, the easier your life.

The better you take notes, the easier your studying will get.

You can use Cornell Notes as one of the best methods for taking notes in college.

Advice - have plans to manage your procrastination

It’s not whether you’ll procrastinate, it’s when.

In fact, you might already be a chronic procrastinator. First, understand why students procrastinate then put things in place to protect yourself.

Advice - drink more water.

Most times you feel stressed your body just lacks more water.

Most times you think you’re hungry, you’re actually thirsty.

Most times you feel distracted, you body clock is off because you’re just dehydrated.

Get a bottle, fill it up, and carry it all day. Set an alarm. Set a reminder. Do Something. Anything.

But just push yourself to drink more water everyday and you’ll discover feeling fresher by the end of the month.

Hydrate more, live more.

Learn how to study

It’s not enough to open a book and start reading through.

You have to know how to study efficiently.

Some quick gotchas:

  • Highlighting is not studying.
  • Studying with a friend is sometimes worse than alone.
  • Studying with music you can sing along to is not studying.

There are lots of awesome tips everywhere, like the best way to study, study tips for math, how to cram for a test, and more.

As a student, sleep like it’s your job.

Sleep like it's your job.

The days when people feel proud for not sleeping well is far gone. If you pull all nighters all the time it’s not because you’re smart.

It’s because you procrastinate — A lot.

All nighters means you’re borrowing energy from your future self. The result? Constantly feeling exhausted.

Everything feels dead.

You can’t have motivation to do things when you lack sleep.

Sleep more, sleep well.

And life will suddenly feel better.

Advice - reduce the mental noise.

Some people will always have problems for every solutions. They’re mental noise. Avoid them.

If you’re hanging around negative people, that’s more mental noise. Change your circle.

Constantly comparing yourself with others? Check what you consume on social media. It’s got farmers that plant the seeds of comparison and mental noise. Change who you follow.

Someone in your life is constantly pointing out all the things that you do wrong? It’s time to turn down their volume. There’s a difference between advice and irrelevant critiquing.

Be selective about who you receive advice from.

Life is too short to allow any mental noise.

Guard yourself.

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