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The best way to study for a test is to line up all your study materials from the most recent to the least recent.

This is step one.

If you don’t have all the materials, you’re not ready.

Go back and get everything first.

Next steps as you study for a test.

After you gather your materials, it’s time to roll.

Remove phone

  • Get rid of your phone. This means you put your phone on silent and then lock it up in a drawer or keep it in another room. Not on your study desk.

  • After that, set one hour to begin your first study session — 45 mins for studying; 15 mins for a break.

  • During your break you can check your phone or do other things.

  • Finally, repeat the hour of studying for 3 hours then take a break longer than 15 mins but not more than 1 hour.

Come back and repeat.

Here’s how to know you’re not ready to study for a test.

These are the major gotchas:

  • You still don’t have the materials
  • Your phone is still on your desk
  • You’re not in a quiet place
  • You find yourself wanting to distract yourself (like wanting to text someone or just talk really quickly. Or wanting to watch YouTube)
  • Find yourself doing other chores. This is elite level procrastination. Doing something that is productive to avoid studying for that test. Feels nice but won’t help.

It’s time to check yourself and get back on studying for that test.

Time's ticking

Final things to keep in mind when studying for a test.

These are important to remember:

  • Do you have all the materials you should be covering? Just because you have some doesn’t mean you’re good to go.
  • Can you guess which ones are most important? Maybe your instructor said something about this. Confirm with your classmates in case you missed it.
  • Have you tested yourself? Just because you took notes and highlighted things during your study doesn’t mean you truly got it. Passive studying is not the same as actively testing yourself.

If you’re studying Math, this is even more important as practicing is one of the best ways to study for Math.

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