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Struggling to stay awake while studying?

Here are some rapid fire tips: stay away from your bed, avoid a heavy meal, have a power nap, and combine these with other simple tips to get yourself moving.

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First thing to do to stay awake while studying.

Make sure you’re not studying in a sleepy environment.

This could be studying on your bed or a room that’s got ligthing that doesn’t work in your favor (maybe the space gives you more of the chill vibes instead of ”let’s do it” study mode).

If you’re not in a quiet place, then you’re not using one of the best tips to study for a test.

Lights on

A power nap will help stay awake while studying.

If you’re feeling sleepy, you just may be lacking sleep overall. Sometimes, this lack of sleep could be something that’s carried over.

A quick, 25-min nap could fix it.

Here’s what to do:

  • Set an alarm for 35 mins
  • First 10 mins to fall asleep
  • Remaining 25 mins to be asleep
  • Last five minutes to move around to be full awake

The whole thing takes 40 minutes. You can play with the time to reduce it or stretch it up to an hour. But whatever you do, don’t take a nap more than 40 minutes.

You just might wake up the next day.

Avoid a heavy meal so you stay awake as you study.

Having a heavy lunch right before studying?

Nope, don’t do it.

And if you’re studying Math, this is even more important as focus is one of the important things you need to study for Math.

Or just had a huge dinner and you’ve got piles of work before you? This is the biggest killer to staying awake. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying go hungry and study in that mode.

Hunger is too distracting to focus. I’m mostly saying don’t clear up a whole buffet and hope to stay awake. You’ll just struggle endlessly.

Avoid lots of food

Get some music popping can help you stay awake.

You can try rock, metal, or hip hop.

Please stay away from R & B or any slow songs. Otherwise you just might find yourself going even deeper into your sleep.

The faster, the better.

Study with others can reduce your sleep struggles.

This should be one of the last things you try because it’s a reason for why students procrastinate. Seriously, studying with friends should not be your first option.

The intention makes sense.

You plan on studying together to stay awake and good enough you stay awake. But after hours you find that you haven’t really studied. Instead you’ve just endlessly talked.

So only try this if nothing works.

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