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Yes, it’s good to listen to music while studying.

If you’re feeling distracted, music can help you focus.

You put it on and it gets you in the studying mood to keep going. In fact if you’re feeling sleepy, popping up some music is one of the best tips to stay awake while studying.

You can try rock, metal, or hip hop if you’re sleepy. For concentration, you go with any focus music on Spotify or Youtube.

Here’s a good focus music on YouTube for studying.

Three overall good genres that work well when studying:

  • classical music

  • nature sounds

  • music without lyrics

But not all music is good for studying.

Whatever you do, please stay away from R & B or any slow songs.

Otherwise you just might find yourself going even deeper into your sleep.

The faster, the better.

Another thing to keep in mind is staying away from songs that you’re familiar with the lyrics. Otherwise, your study session will simply turn into a shower singing competition.

And if you’re studying Math, this is even more important as focusing is one of the best ways to study for Math.

5 questions when deciding to listen to music while studying.

Use these five questiosn to check yourself and make sure that your music is good to listen to while studying:

  1. Do you find yourself stuck on the same page while studying?
  2. Does it feel like you’re struggling to stay awake?
  3. Do you catch yourself singing more of the song unconsciously?
  4. Does hearing the song make you want to text or call someone?
  5. Does the song bring unwarranted memories that again distract from you work?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, it’s time to ditch the music and move on.

Sometimes, listening to distracting songs may make you want to check out the videos. Or dance. Or engage in some other activity that’s not the work in front of you. You need to pause and catch yourself.

In fact, listening to a song may make you even want to go on and do other chores that you’re not supposed to be doing.

Although this may make you feel productive and good about yourself, you should remember that doing chores to avoid studying is one of the reasons why students procrastinate.

And if no music is working, then it’s time to take a break from listening to any song while studying.

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