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The frustration of a hard class can make you hate school.

I get it.

In this post, I’ll go through some common questions that students ask and then share tips for how to crack each of these classes that seem hard.

If there’s one thing you take away from here it should be this:

Most classes seem hard because you are trying to learn advanced concepts without truly understanding the basics. To fix this, go re-learn the basics.

Now, let’s dive deeper.

Is algebra hard?


No, Algebra is not hard but if your foundation in Math is shaky and you haven’t learned the basics properly, you will struggle.

Now, you can become better by practicing with the right tools. The moment you learn the fundamentals, Algebra will become fun!

There are so many websites out there for learning Algebra and Math but here are the top 3 that we highly recommend:

  1. Numberphile
  2. Math’s FUN, and
  3. Khan Academy.

You can follow tips here on the best way to study Math and this will help you fix your foundational issues.

Is college math hard?


College math is hard if you never had good exposure to Math and if you were made to feel bad about not understanding some Math concepts.

But the moment you change your approach, college Math won’t be hard for you.

Above everything else, your psychology to Math is the most important part.

Most people who hate Math hate it because they had a teacher who was not passionate to teach. Or who discouraged them when they didn’t understand a Math concept quickly.

If you think you suck and will never understand Math, you’ll likely make zero progress on your studying.

No matter how much you’re struggling always remember:

Not all teachers though.

I know a lot of teachers do their best but some teachers, out of frustration, actually discourage people who don’t immediately understand what they’re explaining.

Just because you went through that doesn’t mean you’ll never get Math.

Check your thinking.

Is college biology hard?

Unlike other courses, college Biology classes can start off looking easy and then creep up on you and become hard once you realize it involves a lot of information to digest and terminologies to remember.

Not funny

And that’s where the stress starts.

If you’re looking to head to Med school or Nursing school then facing a difficult biology class could seriously drain your morale.

In fact the stress of learning could make you contemplate changing your career goal entirely.

But hang in.

Before you give up, you should check out these overall study tips that could help you when you study.

Specifically for Biology, you also need to try these two learning techniques that help in making Biology go down easier.

1. Understand the fundamentals: the more you make sense of what you’re learning, the easier it’ll become to connect concepts. Most times it’s all about your mindset, which in turn affects your approach.

If you feel like you only have to memorize to pass your courses, you’ll become overwhelmed fast and become frustrated.

And give up.

But if you push yourself to understand and see how things connect as a system or framework, you’ll make more progress.

For example, photosynthesis involves sunlight, oxygen, and water. Don’t simply memorize the components.

Instead, think of how they apply to plants and trees around you.

Then think of the collection of trees during the summer, and winter, when’s too hot or incredibly cold.

Think of how things are intertwined.

The more time you invest grokking the fundamentals in intro biology courses, the better you’ll excel in advanced biology.

2. Try using mnemonics: This is a fun way to remember words that otherwise might be hard to remember in order. For instance, to learn the taxonomic order, you can use this:

Dear King Phillip Come Over For Good Soup
    D – Domain
    K - Kingdom
    P – Phylum
    C – Class
    O – Order
    F – Family
    G – Genus
    S – Species

Or to help you remember the TCA or Kreb’s cycle:

Can I keep selling snakes for more officers?


You can find more fun and useful mnemonics for biology students here.

Is college chemistry hard?


No, entry-level or freshman chemistry is not hard but by the time you get to Organic Chemistry later in college, you’ll notice a significant jump in the difficulty of Chemistry.

But even Organic Chemistry is still very much doable.

Overall, compared to high school chemistry where experiments might seem more straightforward, college chemistry labs are more rigorous and require much more effort.

So you can’t really coast through.

These same study tips can also help you in studying Chemistry. And you can follow this for useful tips to know before you study Organic Chemistry.

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