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Having zero inspiration to study is hard.

Especially when you have a test or exam.

But you can these techniques that will surely help you because they work.

We’ll cover each quickly and you can use these:

  1. Switching your environment can inspire you to study.
  2. Focus music can inspire you to study.
  3. Time-boxing can give you inspiration to study.
  4. Some quotes to inspire you to study.

And then you can turn to them on days when you’re feeling dead. Feeling dead.

Switching your environment can inspire you to study.

It can be something simple or dramatic.

You just have to create your own study environment.

Create your study environment!

  • Instead of studying in your room or on your bed, try moving to a quieter place.
  • It’s hard to feel any motivation if you’re surrounded by a TV or in a chill environment. But have a room surrounded by books (like the library), and your study mode can kick in right away. You can make your own library by creating a corner in your room with a pile of books
  • If you’re in a place where people are talking a lot, it’s hard to feel inspired to study. Move to a quieter room or pop in some noise-canceling headphones.

Focus music can inspire you to study.

Focus music is your friend!

Sometimes even the right environment is not enough to feel inspired to study.

But the right music can switch things up real fast.

In fact if you’re feeling distracted or sleepy, popping up some music is one of the best tips to stay awake while studying.

For concentration, you go with any focus music on Spotify or Youtube.

Here’s a good focus music on YouTube for studying.

Three overall good genres that work well when studying:

  • classical music
  • nature sounds
  • music without lyrics

If you want to dig more into the type of music, check out 5 questions when deciding to listen to music while studying.

Time-boxing can give you inspiration to study.

Time your studying!

Here’s how it works, you set a timer for less than 5 minutes. You can use tomato-timer.

And then tell yourself that you’re going to read only one or two pages of what you have to study.

During the 5 minutes, you’re not allowed to do anything else. This means no:

  • Talking to someone.
  • Checking your email.
  • No looking at your phone.
  • Or opening. another tab on your laptop.
  • In fact, no going to the restroom for a break.

You stay there until your time’s up before you can do anything else. If for some reason you don’t feel opening your book or slides to study, then you wait there until the 5 minutes is up.

Your goal is to do this 3x after the 5 minute timer is up.

5 minutes seems really small so you’re likely to do it until the timer bell rings. What tends to happen is that after 3x the 5 minutes you’ll feel like studying more.

Suddenly, you have inspiration to just keep going.

Some quotes to inspire you to study.

Just do it!

Sometimes, you need a nice, inspirational quote to motivate you to study.

The quotes don’t necessarily have to be about studying but they could be about pushing yourself, having discipline, and doing things that you don’t feel like doing.

“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.” ― Pelé, Brazillian pro footballer

“The secret of success is to do the common things uncommonly well.” ― John D. Rockefeller, widely considered the richest man in modern history

“Recipe for success: Study while others are sleeping; work while others are loafing; prepare while others are playing; and dream while others are wishing.” ― William A. Ward

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” – Arthur Ashe

“If it’s important to you, you’ll find a way. If not, you’ll find an excuse.” – Ryan Blair

You’ve got this!

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