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Limit technology use in specific spaces.

Before you go to bed limit the use of tech.

In fact, you can make your bedroom a no-tech zone. Seriously. Charge your phone downstairs, or in another room, or charge it in the day and put it on silent mode at night.

Be real with yourself.

If you absolutely have to use a screen, then you can activate the night mode so it the bright / blue light from your phone doesn’t make you feel more awake.

Delete addicting apps from your phone.

You already know the apps that keep holding you back.

Could be:

  • Tiktok
  • Reddit
  • YouTube
  • Instagram

Facebook’s not really as addictive as it used to be. But if any of these apps make you feel like you have zero or no control, delete them ASAP.

You can install them later but for now they’ve got to go.

Can’t delete addicting apps? Hide them.

Deleting is the best move to control and eventually overcome technology addiction. But you may feel as though it’s too much of a strong move to delete these apps right away.

But it’s really hard to remain disciplined when the apps that are addictive are always right there the moment you unlock your phone.

To put yourself in the right mode, try to move these apps into folders on your phone.

Or make it harder for the app to become the first thing that you get to when you unlock your phone. That way your temptation to quickly become distracted is reduced, and overtime you’ll gain back a little more control.

Install desktop tools to handle addiction.

There are lots of tools out there to help you manage any form of addiction when you’re on your laptop.

Here are 3 awesome tools to help you track your tech use on desktop:

1. DF Tube (Distraction Free for YouTube)

This is a chrome extension aimed at helping you focus when you use YouTube for work, recreation or education.

Overall, it blocks out all of the ads, suggested videos and the comment section so all you really get to see on YouTube is the video you clicked on from searching.

Distraction Free YouTube
Distraction Free YouTube

2. StayFocusd

This extension allows you to block sites, define how long you’ll allow yourself to spend on sites per day, and increase your overall focus.

Their description nails the goal of the tool:

You sit down at the computer, and you swear you’ll be productive. Next thing you know, it’s twelve hours later. You’ve checked your email, updated your Facebook status, blown through 200 pages of Reddit, read every article in your Twitter feed, looked up your favorite band on Wikipedia, vanity googled yourself, cyber-stalked your ex, browsed through all your high-school crushes’ Instagram feeds, and lost a week’s pay playing online poker. What you haven’t done is WORK.


3. RescueTime for Chrome and Chrome OS

This is a desktop app also available as a chrome extension and on mobile.

It’s existed for several years and they’ve done a good job of even providing developer access so you can build custom dashboard on top of RescueTime or track yourself together with other people.

You can have it installed across several platforms so you track your time everywhere.

Here’s what RescueTime says:

See a clear picture of your work day—where your time is really going—with RescueTime’s reports. Understand how you’re spending your time and use that information to accomplish more while improving your work/life balance.

RescueTime to track everything
RescueTime to track everything

Be honest about your technology addiction.

At the end of the day, you have to be honest with yourself.

If you’re not tired of being addicted you’ll continue to find excuses for not wanting to get rid of your addiction. Along the same lines, if you tell yourself it’s not as bad then you’ll make zero progress.

It’s when you’re so done with feeling crappy that you’ll genuinely make moves to overcome your addiction.

The ball’s in your court.

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