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Education is important for laying a foundation.

Education sets a foundation.

There are so many reasons why education is important like securing a solid job, getting more money, knowing how to talk to others, understanding how to think for yourself, and more.

We’ll quickly go over four major reasons:

  • Education is important because it reduces struggling.
  • Education is important for critical thinking.
  • Education is important for building discipline.
  • Education helps you discover yourself.

But the most important is that education sets the foundation for everything else that you can build on.

Skip education and you’re setting yourself up for a lifetime of setback.

Let’s jump into each.

Education is important because it reduces struggling.

Most jobs these days require the minimum of a bachelor’s degree.

Education reduces struggling.

Skip this and you line up for yourself a life time of struggling:

  • Struggling to get a pay raise
  • Struggling to land a decent job
  • Struggling to break out of an industry

Studies have showed that the higher the education, the higher the salaries with better math skills improve your salary by 21k per year.

Math might not come easy but there are lots of good tips for studying math in college.

Education is important for critical thinking.

Education boosts thinking.

It’s not enough to know how to read and write.

You have to go beyond reading and writing and know how to think for yourself plus think about thinking.

This means you don’t just believe something because someone said it or because you read it somewhere online. Instead, you break it down, dissect it for yourself and ask why it’s the way it is.

For example:

  • Why do things work the way they do?
  • Is what you’re doing really benefiting you?
  • How does a rule or advice impact your own life?

Getting an education teaches you how to think about issues in life impact you, especially if you take liberal arts courses. You should seriously consider courses in Psychology and Philosophy before you graduate from college.

A liberal arts degree includes the study of history, literature, writing, philosophy, sociology, psychology, creative arts and more. Liberal arts programs are designed to help you formulate compelling arguments, communicate well and solve problems. source

Education is important for building discipline.

Education teaches discipline.

By going through multiple courses, assignments, and exams, you learn how to build discipline in seeing a task through.

In fact, many students start to discover their struggles with procrastination, find tips to deal with students procrastinating, and narrow down on tools to help them become more productive in college.

By the time they graduate, they’d have mastered a few ways to beat procrastination and study better.

This ends up as skills that help you throughout your life and way beyond college.

Education helps you discover yourself.

Education is knowing thyself.

Many times you go to college to begin the journey of discovering yourself.

At this point, you’re are no longer strictly under their parents and probably enjoying the freedom of being in college. You could:

  • date in college
  • have best friends
  • join clubs and volunteer
  • become part of a sorority or fratenity

The list goes on.

Although they’re not part of your classroom learning, these other experiences, informal education, and learning from your peers together help you discover more of yourself.

By the time you’re getting out of college you could decide to dial back on a specific path or double down in another area.

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